…. and we are back!!

First off, thank you for your continued patience while we plan out the rest of 2018. Events will resume within the next two months, and we will make sure to give everyone at least two-three weeks notice before the next event. This information will be shared via our usual portals, i.e., email, social media and via our website. Please sign up here if you are not on our mailing list, sign up is crucial if you want to be notified by email.
This has been our most extended break since starting OMiG six plus years ago, and this came down to resources. As volunteers, we are all using our own time for OMiG, and we love every minute of it. The learnings and opportunities that come from it, far outweigh any cons when it comes to the time we have each dedicated. In recent years, however, thankfully all of the volunteers have progressed within their careers and in some cases within their businesses. Setting the same amount of time aside for OMiG was proving extremely difficult.
With that in mind, we have dedicated the next three weeks to meeting those who expressed an interest in volunteering with OMiG in the last 6-8 months. The aim is to set up a better process and apply the original thinking; many hands make light work. While this thinking is beneficial if it works out, it also became apparent in the last 2-3 years that we have to assign owners to different roles. There could be one to three owners per essential tasks, but it is crucial this is defined, and it is vital that those agree to it can see it through (with the help of the other volunteers).
Please bear with us over the next two/three months while we introduce new formats. In time, all those on our newly created mailing list (see GDPR acceptance below) will be contacted with a short survey to get your feedback on the changes in the first 2/3 months.
We look forward to catching up with everyone again, and we are excited for some positive changes to OMiG events and website content.
We will have two or three volunteer meetings before we start again, as it is always difficult to get us to gether at the sametime. I have reached out to those that expressed an interest already, however for everyone else please fill out your details here.